Be Brave – Try It!
It’s good to experiment with your looks. It expands your creativity, displays your uniqueness and allows you fully get in touch with your style personality.
Fashion should be all about having fun and experimenting with your looks.
If you do this you expand your creativity, display your uniqueness, and allow yourself to get fully in touch with your style personality.
Here’s just 5 easy and fun things you can try;
- Mismatch, play around with prints and patterns
- Wear something that’s completely and utterly out of the box even if you’re a little scared to
- Try wearing some different colours together
- Try your outfit with tucking in a top instead or wearing it out
- Pull out an accessory that you haven’t worn before and give it a try with one of your outfits
So what if some day’s you’re a little off?
Each day you’ll get a little better and like your results more.
The only thing you’ll end up regretting is the style risks you didn’t take.
Take full-length photos of your looks to record them; they’re great to look back on both to remind yourself of the looks you want to repeat and what did not work.
If you’d like help finding the looks or colours that suit you best feel free to message or contact me.
When you know what suits you shopping is quicker and more successful, putting flattering outfits together is easier and best of all. you’ll like what you see in the mirror and your confidence will soar.
I offer personal in-person and virtual image, style and colour consultations.
PM me, comment below, or book a time to chat, I offer a complimentary 30min Style Breakthrough Session.
You can find more detail here about how I work on my services page.
Enjoy Experimenting – you’re learning about yourself at the same time.
Yours in style,