Dressing by the Zodiac… are you a Cancerian?
Is it possible to dress by our Star Sign?
Hearing the phrase “What’s your star sign” can make you shiver, but… I find it intriguing how accurate dressing by your Star sign can be. It may actually not be by choice that you have an obsession for feminine frocks or tailored blazers, it may be totally out of your control.
So, let’s chat about Cancer :
You are effortlessly feminine and elegant, Cancereans loathe anything tacky or ostentatious. They prefer dresses and skirts over trousers. You have a sensitive, nurturing and subjective approach to life. Creativity, soul family and boundaries are your allies. Cancer does well with soft & sensual materials. Whatever you wear, dressing for “security and success” tends to influence your personal presentation. Classic styles that compliment rather than overshadow you are best.
Your Style ; You gravitate toward feminine cuts in colours like taupe, red and ivory. You do favour grown-up pieces BUT there is nothing stuffy about your signature look. You’re all About the Classics!
Your Style Match ; Lady Diana (need I say more), Nicole Richie and Liv Tyler.
Get the Look ; Embrace the elegance of classic pieces while keeping it fresh by adding hints of colour or pattern. Well-tailored staples should be your-go-to when picking out what to wear. Add feminine accessories like structured bags and elegant earrings to add more personality to your look.
Thinking about the Cancerean women I know, one being my Mum this seems fairly accurate.
Summing all of this up, one of my favourite quotes from Coco Chanel is : “Fashion fades, only style remains the same”. A Classic, Stylish lady can’t go wrong !
Yours in Style,
Johanna-May xx