Who made your clothes?

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Who made your clothes?

Do you actually know who made your clothes?  Do you really care?

Do you ever stop and think – what’s the story behind my outfit?  How was that incredible dress that’s hanging in my wardrobe actually made or where was it made?

Being Aware of the answer to these questions is what the Fashion Revolution Week is All About !  It is an organisation that is kicking butts all around the WORLD and they are calling for global brands and designers to commit to producing quality products that are and are completely transparent in their manufacturing process.  To do this they are putting on a Fashion Revolution Week.

So, beginning Monday April 18th and running to Sunday 24th April this Fashion Revolution Week has one big aim.  They want EVERYONE to think critically about what we’re wearing, what we’re buying and where on earth it’s coming from.

There are fashion baddies out there who mistreat their hardworking employees and are totally not on their game when it comes to environmental responsibility.

Do we need a Fashion Revolution?

Some points to think about :

  • In Bangladesh garment workers earn a total of US$68 per month.  Quite possibly half the price of that gorgeous shirt you just bought.
  • Apparently 30% of garment workers are under weight.
  • A 1/4 of all pesticides used globally are used for cotton production.
  • In Australia 91% of companies did not know where their cotton was coming from.

Wow right?

Maybe it’s time to question how that t-shirt can really just cost $10.00?  Check out this video, see what Vicky Taylor Designer from Taylor & The Shelter in Ponsonby has to say.

Would you like to know how you can get involved in The Fashion Revolution?

  • Firstly, check out their website to get all the details on this important cause.
  • Ask your favourite brands #whomademyclothes.  You can do this through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and their websites.
  • Share your personal story of your beloved labels, check out where they have been made and share them on #whomademyclothes social media pages.

Most of all be aware, The Fashion Industry is one of the most innovative of all and is one that can change.  It is you the consumer who has the ultimate power to change the way of the industry and have your say.  These Fashion Baddies need to get up with the play!

I would love to hear your feedback and see your participation.

Yours in ethical fashion,


Johanna-May xx