Virtual Personal Styling by Johanna-May

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Virtual Personal Styling Women


Visiting a Personal Stylist is not always possible…  BUT now you can work with me from anywhere at your choice of time.

I’m thrilled to launch My Virtual Personal Styling packages.

With these Virtual Stylist Programmes and E-Programmes you will have your Personal Stylist at your finger tips.

Click on the images to find out more details…

Your #1  E-programme.

Is your wardrobe bulging at the seams yet you have nothing to wear?  Are you struggling to make items of clothing work with each other?
This extensive how to E-Programme will open your eyes to what your wardrobe actually consists of.
You will go on your journey of discovery finding out why you don’t wear a lot of your clothes, why things don’t work for you, what does work for you and you will end up with an uncluttered & tidy wardrobe.
Though this process you will also learn about your fashion lifestyle needs and fashion personality.  Knowing these traits adds to a smooth running wardrobe.
Your #2  E-programme
The concept of a functional wardrobe is one we desire, it allows ease for every day dressing.
Learn how every item in your wardrobe should pay it’s rent.  You will learn how to mix and match and find the key pieces you need for items to work together.
Depending on your lifestyle perhaps there is a possibility for you to have more than one capsule wardrobe and intertwine the capsules to give you even more.
This is a great extensive E-Programme if you want to create ease, simplicity and for the traveler out there.
Your #3  E-programme
The blending of the two E-programmes at a ‘bundle’ price.
#1  Virtual Style Programme
Virtual Personal Styling Women     
It’s paramount to know what Styles suit you.  Shopping becomes so much easier.  To cover off all styles of garments that works for your unique body shape the ‘Virtual Personal Styling’ programme is fantastic.
These programmes are all about YOU every part of YOU


From your height, age and weight, to your body shape, face shape, leg length, body scale, shoulders, neck length and any challenging areas – it’s all taken into consideration and used to create your unique style programme.

Your online personal stylist programme gives you a clear picture of your needs and the best clothing styles suited for YOUR body type. So you can be confident that the style makeover recommendations and fashion advice is relevant to you and not just general advice that anyone can relate to. You will know the answer to which clothes will suit you.

These services are not diminishing working with me, they are for people that can’t make it into my Studio or I into their wardrobes for some reason.  If you would rather work with me directly, I’d love to see you contact me from  my Services page.

Now is such a great time to reflect on you, your style and your wardrobe, let me know how I can help.

Yours in Style,

Johanna-May xx